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our mission

At FINATICS® we believe we are capable of creating the change in the world we want to see, as long as we do it together. 

Since 2020 our mission is to not only raise awareness of shark finning, but work hand-in-hand with organizations in our oceans saving sharks by donating 10% of our net profits yearly. Help us raise awareness of shark finning & save sharks.

No sharks, No ocean, Big Problem.™

what is shark finning?

Shark finning is the practice of cutting off a shark's fins and discarding the rest of the shark, which is often still alive, back into the ocean. The majority of sharks that are finned bleed to death or are eaten by other predators.

Every year an estimated 100,000,000 sharks are killed for their fins alone.

Some countries have banned shark finning, including Panama, Honduras, South Africa, Namibia, El Salvador, Sierra Leone, and New South Wales, Australia.

what is shark finning?

Shark finning is the practice of cutting off a shark's fins and discarding the rest of the shark, which is often still alive, back into the ocean. The majority of sharks that are finned bleed to death or are eaten by other predators.

Every year an estimated 100,000,000 sharks are killed for their fins alone.

Some countries have banned shark finning, including Panama, Honduras, South Africa, Namibia, El Salvador, Sierra Leone, and New South Wales, Australia.

sharks matter

the apex

Sharks being at the top of the food chain makes them responsible for keeping everything below them in balance. They keep other predatory species from overeating, keeping numbers balanced all the way to the very bottom of the chain.

our oxygen

Ocean health significantly impacts the amount of oxygen in our atmosphere because roughly half of the oxygen produced on Earth comes from the ocean. Without sharks keeping populations healthy by removing animals with disease or sickness, all sea life will eventually become riddled with bacteria, sickness and death. A decline in ocean health directly translates to a potential decrease in the oxygen we breathe.

an inspiration

Shark skin has inspired improvements to cars, fabrics, aerodynamics, medicine and more. Innovators have mimicked shark skin to make products such as drones, airplanes, boats and even swimwear to move faster.

what we've been up to

In 2025 we've partnering with Beneath The Waves to assist in promoting ocean health and using science to catalyze ocean policy, with a focus on ocean giants, sharks!

A donation to Project Hiu helped tag the first ever tiger sharks in Indonesia! The worlds largest shark fishing nation will have data to track where sharks are spending their time so they can be better protected.